The police raided the luxury Conrad Hotel in Brussels, liberating 17 women who were most likely working as slaves for the Arab royal family, Telegraph reports. Belgian media described the case as “slavery right in the heart of Brussels”.
The investigation was started after a servant, who was working for the widow of the royal family for 20 years, had escaped.
These rescued women come from countries like Morocco, Philippines, India, Turkey, Syria and Iraq, while they were slaves for eight months.
Charges have not been filed, although several members of the royal family were questioned and the police suspect that human trafficking is in question.
- We were not allowed to complain or to ask any questions. We just had to be there at their beck and call - claims one of the slaves who was freed.
The royal family has rented out an entire floor of the luxury hotel where a room is charged 260 pounds per day. The owner did not wish to comment on the case or reveal how much money has the royal family paid for the floor.
From: Javno