Monday, February 25, 2008

Alcohol Test: Blowing Police officers will be punished

The Police being short on personel has themselves blown the alcohol tests to reach their quotas. An investigastion has been opened.

In certain cases the police had staged fake alcohol controls and blown the alcohol tests themselves.

Fernand Koekelberg, the high police commissar exclaims "If we have to tap them over their fingers, it will be done, all which is left is to find the responsible, whether it is the police officer on the beat or their superiors", "The Minister of Interior is looking into hireing 1350 new recruits annually, 200 more than currently"

Source: Le Soir

1 comment:

alcohol treatment said...

Police officers shouldn't be cheating the law. They must follow what is necessary to catch those people, who are driving under the influence of alcohol. This procedure can help save lives on the road thus, preventing alcohol-related incidents.